2 C semi-soft avocados
1 C diced onion
1 C chopped fresh cilantro - or substitute fresh flat-leaf parsley
1 t minced and pressed garlic ( to press: drag your kitchen knife, parallel to the cutting board, over the garlic three to four times to create almost a paste )
.25 C lime juice
.5 t coarse ground salt
Slice open the avocados, discard the pits and mash up the avocados with a wooden spoon — but not too much, you don’t want them to get liquid-y. Toss in the diced onions, minced and pressed garlic, the chopped greens and salt. Mix again with the wooden spoon — again, just enough to combine — then add the lime juice to open up the flavors and help the guacamole to keep its bright-green color.